Elevate Your Fundraising Game with:

Raising Your Next $2K


Designed for progressive local leaders. Navigate the world of fundraising with confidence (without a finance team!)


Local Leaders, the path to effective fundraising doesn't require a big budget or a team of finance experts. Your Next $2K was intentionally developed just for you!
In this comprehensive course, you'll:

  • Understand the art of fundraising without the need for staff or consultants.

  • Dive into donor relationship cultivation to ensure sustainable support.

  • Get hands on with call scripts that resonate and drive donations.

  • Develop a roadmap that doesn't just stop at $2K, but propels you to achieve and exceed your campaign goals.


About Your Instructor

Hi! I’m Jessica. I’ve successfully navigated over 50 campaigns that collectively raised a staggering $100,000,000. Complementing my extensive experience, I’ve developed a strong foundation in fundraising management through programs at Harvard Extension School and the University of Washington. My mission is clear: to empower leaders like you to make the most of your influence and help you fund your mission.


Course Curriculum


Each module comes with a short instructional video and a workbook with cheat sheets, templates, examples, and assignments.

Module 1: Welcome & Introduction - 30 minutes (video & homework)

  • My role

  • Your responsibilities

  • Why call time?

  • Assignments: Schedule the work & identify distractions

Module 2: Money Mindset - 1 hour

  • Clear your roadblocks

  • Create a new money mindset

  • Designing your Call Time Ritual

  • Assignments: Journaling exercises and create your Call Time Ritual

Module 3: Rolodexing - 2 hours (or more depending on the shape of your list)

  • List building basics 

  • What should you ask for?

  • Top 100 list

  • Finding new prospects

  • Assignment: Create your Top 100 List

Module 4: Call Time Script and Follow Up - 2 hours

  • Donor centered fundraising

  • Making a hard ask

  • Script formula

  • Taking money over the phone

  • Follow up messaging 

  • Follow up best practices

  • Assignments: Draft your script and follow up messages

Module 5: Call Time Logistics - 30 minutes

  • What to expect

  • Prepping for call time

  • Your accountability partner

  • Make it fun!

  • Assignments: Schedule call time and recruit your accountability partner

Module 6: Give Thanks - 30 minutes


  • Thank you note best practices

  • Assignments: Draft a thank you note and schedule your Day of Thanks

Module 7: Results & Go Get ‘Em - 30 minutes

  • What to do if you’re not seeing results

  • Why $2K is just the beginning

  • Assignment: Make three phone calls


What to Expect

Plan to spend at least 7 hours per week on your fundraising efforts. (More is better!)

  • Week 1: 7 hours to complete your instruction videos and homework

  • Weeks 2 - 5: 7 hours or more for prep work, calls, and follow up 

One-on-one coaching or troubleshooting sessions are available for a discounted rate of $100/hr

Investment: $499 one-time fee or two payments of $274.50


Still Have Hesitations?

  • If you complete the videos, homework, and invest in the work, you’ll get at least a 300% ROI. Hiring a junior staffer to help with this would be at least $3k per month. Hiring me to do this work for you is at least $5k per month. You’re making a great investment with this course!

  • Many of these organizations offer free information, then leave you to figure out how to apply it on your own. In Your Next $2K, I walk you through the process step by step. With the course, you’ll save the time you’d have used flipping through your notes and figuring out how to implement what you learned.

  • Fundraising is the most important work you’ll do on your campaign. Without funds, you can’t communicate with voters. I know that as a candidate you are pulled in many directions, but fundraising is the foundation of everything you do. Make the time. In this course, I keep your busy schedule in mind — that’s why the instructional videos are short. Plus, I challenge you to get your homework done quickly. Once it’s complete, you’ll be ready to hit the ground running!

  • If there’s a better way to raise money than picking up the phone, please enlighten me! Every single professional in fundraising will tell you that call time is the most efficient way to bring in the bucks. Sure, there are other fundraising tools to add to your kit, but in this class, we are going to focus on what will give you the fastest results. That’s by picking up the phone and asking!

  • I get it. I’ve done my fair share of asking for money, and it certainly can be uncomfortable. That’s why we start with your money mindset — to shift your thinking. I’ll walk you through the process so you start thinking about your asks in a more empowered way.

  • OK! $2K is just a start. You can utilize these steps to raise way more than $2K — I’ve used them to raise millions of dollars.

  • Let’s talk! I’d love to chat about your specific needs and whether this course aligns with your goals. Feel free to ask any questions you might have.