My Story


Hey there, I'm Jessica, and I'm excited to welcome you to my world of strategic fundraising and campaign empowerment. With a heart full of passion and a mind wired for innovation, I've been on an exhilarating journey through the dynamic realm of political activism and fundraising.


A Passion Ignited

It all began in 2008 when I caught the political bug while caucusing for President Obama. Since then, my dedication has only grown stronger as I've plunged into over 50 diverse campaigns spanning the spectrum from local, to state, and national levels. Along the way, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of effective fundraising and strategic planning.


A Campaign Manager's Transition

Starting as a campaign manager, I quickly gravitated toward the art of fundraising, harnessing my strengths in strategic planning and coaching. While I enjoyed team management and event coordination, my true passion lies in designing systems that transcend experience and budget limitations.

In 2015, I established Jessica Boad Consulting, with a mission to provide top-tier strategic planning and guidance to politicians, PACs, and nonprofits navigating the complex fundraising landscape.


Continual Learning and Applied Expertise

I'm dedicated to lifelong learning, deepening my expertise through rigorous political finance director training from Emily’s List, the DCCC, and the DLCC. I hold a Certificate in Fundraising Management from the University of Washington, where I contributed to a practical fundraising assessment and recommendation report for the Issaquah History Museums. Additionally, I completed a strategic planning and fundraising course at Harvard Extension School, where I contributed to a plan for Boston Lykeion Ellinidon, a Greek cultural society.


A Road Less Traveled

In 2018, the DCCC invited me to join their team as the Western Regional Candidate Fundraising Director, leading to my relocation from Washington state to Southern California. Collaborating closely with 12 priority campaigns, we achieved record-breaking fundraising numbers, historic victories in California, and successfully flipped 11 seats in our region, contributing to the pivotal shift from Red to Blue in the House. In 2020, I assumed the role of National Finance Director for Senator Michael Bennet's presidential campaign, followed by a return to my consulting practice. Today, I continue to provide training and strategic guidance to progressive candidates and organizations.


Life Beyond
the Campaign Trail

But wait, there's more to me than just political campaigns and spreadsheets! When I'm not immersed in the world of fundraising, you can find me at the beach, on a hike, enjoying the performing arts, or traveling - especially back to Washington to cherish moments with my niece and nephews. 


Embracing Adventure
and Art

I love exploring new horizons. Roaming from one destination to another, I soak in the diverse cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant experiences that the world has to offer. Throughout my travels, I indulge another passion - collecting stories and unique art pieces along the way. When I'm not on the move, you can catch me enjoying mesmerizing dance performances, swaying to live music, and laughing out loud at comedy shows. 


Family Adventures and Beach Bliss

My favorite title is "Aunt Extraordinaire". I'm always up for zipping from sunny SoCal to Washington for quality time with my niece and nephews. Dance parties, laughter, and creating cherished moments – that's what I’m all about. 

When I'm back in SoCal, you'll often spot me on the beach, journal in hand, soaking in the calming waves and diving into the pages of a good book.


This journey has been a whirlwind of growth, and I'm excited to share the wisdom and experience I've gained with you.
Whether you're embarking on your first campaign, or seeking a fundraising reboot,
I'm here to be your guide, mentor, and cheerleader every step of the way.

Let's work together to fund your mission and create lasting change!